Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just for fun

I am home now and things just don't seem right. After 16 days on the saddle I forgot that there is a world in peril back home. Planes crashing, economy in the tank, American Idol's coming out and lots of people with opinions about lots of people. It's funny but when we are on our ride people say "I just don't think I can do something like this." Well folks, after coming home and turning on the TV, how can you not?
When I am in the saddle I have to worry about sun burns, a bad knee, hills and not getting hit. In actuality the knees became tolerable and the hills became a fantastic challenge and after I broke down and got sun block that was one less worry. When we are home, we have the papers, friends, TV and everyone else telling us how bad things are. And I am here to say that it's all bullshit. Every last letter is bullshit. Our lives have become so cluttered with this bullshit that we don't know how to get out of it! Our lives have so much crap that we don't need but we struggle to keep it and get more.
1. If you pay for a storage unit that is filled with crap you don't need, you're contributing to the pile of Bullshit.
2. If you bought a Wii to help you exercise in your home, you’re contributing.
3. If you have more saved TV shows than pictures of places you've gone or things you've done- Bullshit!
The bottom line is this, if you are in a hurry to get home, just for fun, take a detour to a cliff, lake, pasture, horse farm, ocean or anything that has to do with nature and have a sit for a while. Beautiful scenery is waiting to relax you and remind you that we live on a great planet. Hell maybe you will realize that you are working too hard for stuff you don't need and to an end that you don't want. Start taking some time away from the Bullshit so you can start living for yourself. It's more stressful to watch the TV than it is powering up a 10% grade carrying 70 pounds of stuff.
Trust me.