Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big diSURpointment

This trip taught me I am an Oregon snob.

I knew I loved Oregon--I grew up there and often return to visit family, play rugby and now bike. I didn't realize until this trip that I think it's so lovely that I compare all other locations to it.

And ultimately, that is what led to my disappointment with Big Sur. It's like the summer blockbuster movie that everyone tells you about and the trailers look awesome, but by the time you see the movie you leave the theatre thinking, "that's it?"

So many friends told me Big Sur was going to be spectacular. I couldn't wait to see its majestic beauty, tall cliffs, clear blue waters, yet when I finally surmounted the Big Sur climb, I thought, "this is it?"

It happened because any part of my trip following the ride along the coast in Oregon is already one step behind. And also I realized my friends who told me about Big Sur haven't been to Oregon's coast yet. How could they possibly know what a spectacular coastline is supposed to look?

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